Safety Measurement in Public Environments Using IoT Technology
This is a summary in English of IMY's second regulatory sandbox pilot “Safety Measurement in Public Environments Using IoT Technology”.
The project is about the wish of the Traffic Office in the City of Stockholmto to use LiDAR sensors to collect data, in a more uniform and systematized way, on the proportion of women, men, and children who visit a public square.
Safety surveys show that women avoid places they experience as unsafe. Hence, the hypothesis is that places where women and children visit are perceived safer than others. By obtaining a representative overview of which groups are visiting a particular location, the Traffic Office can plan and take security-enhancing measures to promote women and children if they are underrepresented at the site.
Please find the full report (in Swedish): Trygghetsmätning i offentliga miljöer med hjälp av IoT-teknik (pdf, 3 MB)