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Under kvällen den 25 mars genomför vi ett planerat underhåll av
Webbplatsen, och våra e-tjänster, kan därför vara svåra att nå vissa stunder under denna kväll. Besökare kan komma att se en servicesida.

Complain about unlawful camera surveillance

If you think that someone is using camera surveillance unlawfully you can file a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY) using our e-service.

In order to ensure that your submitted material is considered a complaint, it is required that

  • your complaint relates to a violation of processing of personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation
  • the processing that you complain about relates to personal data about you
  • the data controller is identifiable
  • you provide information about who you are
  • you provide contact details so that we can reach you.

You will always get a reply from us if your complaint meets the requirements above. If we initiate an inspection to investigate the subject matter of your complaint, you will also get a copy of the decision in the inspection case.

Complaints that do not meet the requirements above will be handled as tips, please see the information on tips below. This applies, for example, if you do not name a data controller, if the complaint concerns processing of someone else’s personal data or if you choose to remain anonymous.

Do not use this e-service if

Do not use this e-service if you want to:

When you blow the whistle, your identity is protected by strong confidentiality. As a whistleblower, you are also protected in other ways. The same protection is not offered if you choose to leave a complaint instead of blowing the whistle.

You can call our whistleblowing function on 08-657 61 53 to get more information. Our normal opening hours are Thursdays between 9.30 am and 11.30 am. Do not use e-mail.

If you are dissatisfied with a processing of personal data but the requirements for complaint according to the data protection rules are not met, for example that it isn’t your personal data that is being processed or that you wish to be anonymous, it is possible to submit a tip to us instead. You can provide us with information about a violation of the GDPR or draw our attention to a certain data protection issue. Tips that are submitted to us may be used as a basis when we decide on future actions.

Submit your tip by e-mail or letter. Indicate clearly that it is a tip and what you would like to inform us about.

How to contact us


Do you have protected identity?

Do not use our e-service if you have protected identity.

Please file your complaint by letter or e-mail instead. Remember to give us all necessary information, please see the list of requirements above.

Contact details

Start by contacting the organisation that processes your personal data

Before you file a complaint, we recommend that you contact the person responsible for the camera surveillance and explain what you think is incorrect. This is particularly important if your complaint concerns your rights under the data protection rules, such as the right of access, erasure or rectification. In many cases, data protection complaints can be resolved quickly and easily with the organisation. Many organisations have a data protection officer you can contact. If you do not get help, you can file a complaint using our e-service.

The data subject’s rights

Attach relevant pictures and maps

In your complaint, it is important that you describe in what way you think the camera surveillance is unlawful. Describe the place being monitored, which activities that take place there and who typically visits this site. Feel free to attach a picture or map that shows the camera's location and the area that the camera is filming. The documentation helps us assess how to proceed with a complaint.

Use our e-service to file your complaint

To be able to file a complaint using our e-service you need to use the web browsers Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Complain about unlawful camera surveillance


Our e-service uses cookies. Please read more about these cookies.

It is not possible to use our e-service if you have denied the use or the storage of cookies in your web browser. Please file your complaint by letter or e-mail instead. Remember to give us all necessary information, please see the list of requirements above.

Contact information

If a Swedish authority has denied you the right to, for example, erasure, access or rectification, you can appeal that decision to the administrative court. Contact the authority again and request a written decision that can be appealed. The authority’s data protection officer can inform you about how to get an appealable decision and how to appeal.

Everything you submit to us becomes an official document. If someone requests access to the document, we will make a confidentiality assessment to determine whether the information is to be classified as confidential or not and if the information can be disclosed in whole or in part. An official document must, as a main rule, be archived in its entirety.

How we process personal data

If you want to complain about a processing of your personal data, you can choose which national data protection authority to turn to. For example, if you have asked for information about how a company in France is handling your personal data and they do not give you the required information, you can choose whether you want to file a complaint to the national data protection authority in France, Sweden or any other EEA-country. The national data protection authority you turn to will be your contact point for your complaint, regardless of where the case subsequently will be handled.

This is how your complaint will be handled

  • We review each complaint

    We review each complaint.

  • Some complaints lead to inspections

    A complaint may lead us to send a letter to the controller with information about rules and practices. If we find reasons to take further action, we can initiate an inspection to investigate the subject matter of a complaint.

  • You will receive a reply from us

    You will always receive a reply from us so that you know what actions we have taken. If we carry out an inspection, you will also receive a copy of our decision in the inspection case.

About the information on this page

If the information in English is different from the Swedish version of this page, the Swedish version applies.

Latest update: 18 March 2025
Page labels Camera surveillance